Hi my name is Kelly and I live in Tunbridge Wells and I am here to welcome you with open arms to my site Keunity. Now there is obviously a reason why you are reading this. Are you searching to find alternative ways to improve your well-being? Are you interested in holistic therapies? Or maybe you are feeling the essence of intrigue! Whatever your reason, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and what I do.
In my journey so far, I have worked within the Care industry and have worked as a Designer. In both professions, they have consisted of hard work, long hours and stressful at times, although both very rewarding on different levels. Caring for others and being creative has always been my passion, as well as keeping a healthy lifestyle with the love of exercise.
Until five years ago. I found I was struggling. The stress of work was overwhelming and when I exercised I suffered from severe pain and fatigue. I did not know why this was happening to me. Exercise was my life and to stop it all together was soul-destroying.
I was given a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, which explained my symptoms.
I did not know how I was going to make myself well again, as the core of my well-being was keeping healthy through exercise, and nutrition of course. As the saying goes, we are what we eat. Then I found Reiki or shall I say Reiki found me? A dear friend suggested to me to have a Reiki treatment with a friend of hers. I had tried a Reiki treatment many years prior, so I thought why not? I am open to alternative therapies, so I gave it a go. All I can say is WOW. The treatment that was given was outstanding, I was amazed. And guess what? I was hooked. This led me to qualify as a Reiki Practitioner.
How Reiki helps me
Reiki is a healing tool that I use daily. It releases blocks of negative energy and has a very calming effect, aligning my mind, body, and soul. The health benefit it has given me is outstanding. And hey, since having Reiki in my life, I am back exercising again. I am in my happy place.
So my thoughts are if this is helping me and making me feel fantastic and give me what I need at the time (whether it be to aid me in having a comfortable nights sleep, to recover from illness, or just to relax and unwind) why not share Reiki with others? Why not give it a go? You never know you might enjoy it as much as I do.